An Unexpected Exile is now a complete manuscript. I suspect that, if it ever gets published, virtually every woman who reads it will identify with my protagonist, Risa Weinberg, to some extent. What woman has not lost herself in the name of romance? Who among us has not confused the fleeting passions of the flesh with an enduring connection (and that's if we're lucky!)? Who hasn't gotten so caught up in planning her perfect wedding, that she ignored the long-view and could not see beyond the appetizer to the real meal, i.e., being married to that man?

So now what? I'm still-just-a-wannabe. Should I leave poor Millie Moskowitz by the wayside in favor of pitching AUE? Will either Millie or Risa ever get to see the light of day (or the dusty darkness of a bookstore shelf)? Should I self-publish on Amazon? Throw in the towel? Or . . .

Write something else, maybe nonfiction this time. How about, "Lessons from a Former-Fattie (If I Can Do It, Not Everybody Can)"? Might there be a "super-market" for something like that? Am I masochistic enough to write it? Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you.